CHAPTER 3 - Re incarnation is a Reality.

Its not a destination, its a path.

The word spiritual is so vast, it can never be explained in a nutshell. Its a feeling, a vibe, for me it doesn't have a face to be described "what and how it actually is ". So I will put it this way, 
It takes a lot of courage to be spiritual, to believe your own experiences. Everyone's level of spiritual awakening differs. There is no right or wrong. There is no higher or lower level of spirituality, its just DIFFERENT. 

We can be from any religion, speaking different languages and praying to different gods, all the religions were made with certain way to guide humans, spiritually. If we recall things we were taught, there is a common lesson we all have learnt, which is GOD HAS CREATED THIS UNIVERSE, THE NIGHT AND THE DAY AND ONLY HIS WILL WORKS. 

From Geeta to Bible and from Granth to Quran we get the same message over and over.


Similarly we are rowing the same boat, going to the same destination in our own speed. Our ultimate goal is Harmony with oneself and others. Our guru's in every form has proved re - incarnation to us many times. Lets have a look. 

Kaal paae brahmaa bap dharaa, kaal paae shivjoo avtaraa
Kaal paae kar bisan prakaasa, sakal kaal laa keeaa tamasaa  

- Guru Gobind Singh Ji

When the time was right Brahma was born and then Shiva incarnated and also Vishnu appeared with his light, its all his timing and doing.

Lord Vishnu has re-incarnated in form of Lord Rama with a purpose, He came back on earth as Lord Krishna with a reason and a lesson to teach. He changed the body but the soul continues to grow and learn. So in a way re-incarnation is not a new subject to explore rather Its a reality. 

Lord Buddha is considered as the most recent Avatar of Lord Vishnu


When a body dies, Its does not mean a pause or the end of the story, our soul never dies. It just leaves this set of arrangement and moves on to the next one, the spirit form, that is another stage of learning, yes our development never stops, even in the spirit form we are allowed to learn and grow. 

Whenever the soul is ready for evaluation and renewal as it enters a new learning stage, a stage of decision. Here the soul evaluates its previous lifetimes and makes decisions. We decide if we want to return, if yes, when and where we want to return, the main reason for coming back is growth, what do we have to learn, what is that we couldn't learn in previous lifetimes, all our experiences just try to make us a better living being, evolve, every time. We should be coming near and near to our ultimate goal, LOVE AND HARMONY. 


We choose our parents and our birthdate, the purpose along with our date of returning to the spirit form, our siblings, friends and those who will hurt and give us lesson as well, we decide our ways of learning, we script our lives. We not only choose our family and friends but we choose the level of difficulties of our lives.

Some choose not to come back, but they can still help, heal and guide their loved ones from the spiritual plane. We all have dreams of our dead family members, messages from the other sides, synchronicities, somehow a major accident didn't even give a scratch. These are the spirit guides who watch out for us from wherever they are. 


Our reasons to believe in re-incarnations can be different. We are given a choice to take it or leave it, but even if we leave it and choose not to consider this, doesn't make it less real or fake, there are many of us who do not wish to buy this concept but the truth remains unchanged, no matter what we choose. It is what it is. Even if you don't believe in re-incarnation, you have been with the same souls before over and over, changing relationships. 

Here's a little story If you can catch the message. 

When I play Hide and seek with my 4 year old.
She closes her eyes and says READY. 
She believes If she closes her eyes, she wont be visible to anyone. 

I hope you get the hidden message from this hide and seek story :)


Lets be practical. Its always said "learn from others' mistakes" doesn't really stop us from making the same mistake. So hearing these stories, about extraordinary experiences do not actually bring a change in our thought process, they just bring an expansion of concept to our brain cells, Insights are necessary to make you believe in these concepts and cathartic moments help you bring the real change. 

A trauma, a near death experience, meditation, a life coach, intuitive feeling, books etc can lead to spiritual awakening. We cant force it, it will happen when the time is right, sounds cliché but its a fact. An event occurs which changes our whole belief system. What works for me might not even make sense to you but there will be some other way for you. All we can do is wait till that method unfolds for you. Like I said, spiritual awakening is not higher or lower in levels, its just DIFFERENT, and these methods are so creative, far far away from what our conscious mind can even think of. 

Such a method is regression, It helps you LOOK WITHIN, its a state of calmness, but it will never ask you to leave your rational mind lag behind. It is not asking you to be superstitious, it asks you to reach the dams of your old beliefs, reach there and pick the wisdom you have collected over these re-incarnations. That wisdom is within you, no one can actually snatch or give you this part of you. 

Stay rational, be spiritual and for any queries and stories you want to share, feel free to write us on 

Javan kaal sabh jagat banaio, dev dait jachhan upjaayo,
aad ant eikai avtaaraa, soee guru samjhiyoho hamara 

- Guru Gobind Singhji. 


  1. So beautifully explained�� All relgions explains the same fact that we have look inside to find the ultimate truth or god or creator rather than searching for it elsewhere

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read this jyoti :)

  2. Beautifully articulated.


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