Things that do not let us sleep.

In todays world, insomnia is a very common term. Age no bar, even a teenager isn't actually able to get enough sleep and for what? The answer to this is OVER THINKING. 
Now talking about over thinking, What exactly are we over thinking about ? 
We are pondering over the past hour, last day or even the last person you met. So the answer to this is, we are actually looking back, replaying the conversation in our heads, thinking we could have said things differently, behaved in a particular manner or could have snubbed the situation completely. 

Honestly, Looking back is the key but not with regret instead with understanding.


The situations we are in aren't always big, in our heads we make them bigger. Instead of facing them, we run away by hiding our emotions, keeping ourself surrounded with excess work and people. We all possess powers and we are not even aware of those. Spending time with yourself is much more important than spending time with our family and friends. Why is that? because there are a few answers only your subconscious will give you. Instead of looking validation and answers outside, look within and ask your self - Why did I give that statement ? Why did I behave weird ? Was I uncomfortable ? If yes , what was it that make me insecure ? to find these answers about our own behavior we need to spend more time noticing not judging.  

Find methods to unplug from rest of the world, the devices, the people, the plans and connect with yourself. Sometimes we don't even know the basics about ourselves. This mode where you start understanding your own behavior and get basic realizations is a meditative mode. 


We are in a rat race of gaining knowledge. But along with that we should have knowledge about our body and soul. Spending time with ourself is a reminder to connect with your soul. Understanding about our likes and dislikes, which helps us to draw a line in many areas of our day to day activities. The more we spend time with ourselves the better knowledge we gain and we all are aware, knowledge gives us understanding, understanding our own behavior gives us clarity about the others as well. 

So Dhyaan, Sadhana and meditation isn't for elderly people, its for one and all. This is a new age, the age of awakening. Carry your rational mind on this journey and don't let your thoughts control you. With meditation ( looking within ), spending time with your thoughts get clarity and help yourself to control your thoughts. 
