CHAPTER 4 - Miracles Happen.

Hello Again !

Dastaan continues. If you have read the previous chapters on Dastaan, you would have noticed a repetition of a few things. 
  • - Everything is connected, re - incarnation is a reality,
  • - There are strangers who hold our hands and drop us to a better place
  • - It needs courage to be spiritual
  • - Our lives are scripted and every tough moment is a trigger
  • - A few more. 

Lets connect some dots and look at the bigger picture.

How was I introduced to the concept of Past Life Regression Therapy ?

I received a bundle of books as a gift from my husband who had randomly picked them for me on a certain occasion, not being aware of what he was actually picking up. Out of all those books the title that most attracted me was MIRACLES HAPPEN BY DR. BRIAN WEISS. I had never heard that name before, nor did I know what was the book based on. I picked that one and decided to see what type of miracles are happening with people. Will I be ever that lucky to witness one?

This is how the book looked then, it said "The transformational healing power of Past Life Memories." Honestly, it didn't make sense to me at all. Although, I didn't judge the book but I was curious to know what does the author mean by Past Life Memories. As I started reading I understood what miracles he was talking about and I would want you to walk you through this in a nutshell. 

Dr. Brian, He was a psychiatrist doing his job as he always did. In his words " I was left- brained, obsessive- compulsive, and completely skeptical of "unscientific" fields such as parapsychology."  He had many patients and amongst them he had one who came for almost 18 months but wasn't showing any major signs of recovery. A lady who was suffering from fears, phobias, paralyzing panic attacks, depression and recurrent nightmares. She also had  chronic fear of gagging and choking so she refused medication and anti-depressants. 

After a prolong treatment, Dr. Brian and his client agreed to try hypnosis, which is a form of focused concentration. During this session she went back to her childhood, remembered a few things but along with childhood memories she traveled to other times when her name was not Catherine, when she was not this same person, she didn't have the same body, same family, same name, same relations but the reason of her problems were rooted there. 

At first experience with Catherine , Dr. Brian was skeptical. He concluded that her memories must have been consisted of a fantasy. But her symptoms improved drastically after what she experienced during hypnosis. Her fear of choking had gone. And after a few more hypnosis sessions, she was able to heal almost all her problems. Although Dr. Brian didn't really accept it fully, during hypnosis he received messages from his father and his son who died years ago. Since then Dr. Brian's life changed. 

Lets connect the dots for him 

- Catherine was the person who held his hand and left him in a all new direction even tough he was skeptical about things. 

- Since he had extra ordinary experiences with Catherine's hypnosis, He was triggered to dive deep into this field and research. He noticed that there were other people who had written about the concept but this concept never really reached out to people. He wasn't the first person to experience such extra ordinary encounter with the other side.

- He then came up with Past Life Regression as a whole new concept for the world to know. Through his experiences he wrote about how lives are connected and re-incarnation is a reality. 

- He decided to be courageous and wrote about this concept. He also does workshops and seminars for the same. 

I always wished to reach to some workshops in Miami - Omega Institute, someday. And I kept repeating, once for, once I will learn this therapy and I'll go to Miami. Visiting this website every now and then, but a few years later, as I say our lives are scripted, I met one of Dr. Brian's disciple. 

I got what I wanted. Didn't reach Miami but found his disciple here in India. Dr. Venu Murthy.

Dr. Brian Weiss and Dr. Venu Murthy. 

Destiny  or Co-incidence ? 

Finding that book from the bundle or all other books, cyberstalking Dr. Brian and reaching Dr. Venu's workshop can be a co-incidence as we generally frame it. But now that I know a little about the nature of growth , I choose to believe that DESTINY ,where as co-incidence is the word, which is just a cover up for the actual plan I must have decided to unfold my spiritual journey. Even though all of us have a life plan but we also have FREE WILL, and our choices always make the difference. Here's when DESTINY plays it role, even if we choose a different path, we still meet people we had planned to meet and we will face opportunities and obstacles anyhow that we planned before coming to this physical form. So DESTINY and FREE WILL co-exist. 

I have chosen my set of DRAMA too. Challenges, problems, soulmates, bad relationships, family like friends, bosses are all part of the choices we made. We have not only scripted our lives but also STAGED IT. There are times when we feel, we have been here before, the feeling of Deja vu , a feeling of familiarity comes from the dim memory we have when we staged it before birth, before we entered this physical form.  

What I know about PLRT ? 

Before going to the workshop, All I knew about PLRT was that it includes a process and it is based on hypnosis. And when it comes to HYPNOSIS our Bollywood brain gives us sugar rush / filmy rush / drama rush  or whatever you choose to call it ,to our brain cells. But actually experiencing it made me realize that it wasn't how we think it is. 

Here's what all of us should understand about hypnosis 

- Hypnosis is nothing but a state of focused concentration 

- Almost all of us have experienced it in our day to day life. 

- Its like "autopilot" , we do things without realizing it (subconsciously) 

- Answering the door bell, phone calls, reaching your destination without effort while you had "n" number of other things on your mind, If you have ever experienced this, Congratulations you have touched the hypnotic state. 

Moreover all of us have this same concern, 

"OH THEY WILL KNOW ALL MY SECRETS IF I AM HYPNOTIZED" is not true, Hypnosis isn't a truth serum, rather its a MISNOMER. The word Hypnosis is a Greek word, which means sleep, rather it doesn't matches its real meaning, what it actually does is, makes you ALERT, AWARE and help you reach your subconscious mind and dig in deep to give you solutions. 

- During hypnosis, you are always in control of your WORDS, BODY AND ACTIONS.
- you can censor and edit the details 
- you remember everything after waking up 
- You reach to a different level of you mind and solve your issues. 
- You can have insights which are life changing and many more things

There is much more to hypnosis which needs your attention. 
We shall elaborate on the myths and facts in the next chapter. 

Till then connect the dots of your life, give credit to people who you never really paid attention to, carry your rational mind on this journey, be nice to one and all, love yourself and keep writing to us at We are all ears to your Dastaan as well. 

The desire to know your soul,
will end all other desires. 

- Rumi
