CHAPTER 5 - Are we on the same page ?

Earlier I had this question, Are we on the same page ? but recently I have my answer. We are never on the same page. None of us. Our success doesn't match nor does our failure, not even our heartbreaks'. We go through a similar situation more or else but its still not same.


Some of us are ahead and some lag behind, the ones who are ahead are still behind than the ones ahead of them. The ones who are ahead, its their job to reach back, with love and patience and help those who are behind. So how can we be on the same page ? We are never on the same page, our stories seem similar but they actually aren't because we handled them in our unique way.  

Wondering who gave me this affirmation ? So the answer to this 

 1. MEDITATION    ( getting to know more about oneself)

 2. PLRT ( HYPNOSIS THERAPY - which I experienced)

 3. YOUR STORIES ( Which I know because of your PLRT sessions and inquiries)

It is always said that we are rowing the same boat, going in the same direction. TRUE, regardless of this fact, our journeys are uniquely designed, our experiences make it different even if we are on the same path. We are just students of the same school scoring different marks. Reading your messages gives me confirmation that we go through the exact same situation but the solution is never the same. All of deal with our situations in multi methods we mourn, we dance, we vent out, we celebrate whatever works we just don't stop because that is not on option. The show must go on.

I tried a few, Lets take them one by one. 


I began to meditate for killing time. Insomnia was my friend and I didn't really sleep for more than 3 hours a day, I started to meditate to fill in that time which I was practically wasting by TRYING TO FALL ASLEEP. Believe me, its addictive, meditation is my current addiction. 

So lets see what is MEDITATION ? 

Your answer will never match my answer, because the experience here will be unique for each one of us. Meditation clears your mind, and when the haze is gone and the mind is clear, INSIGHTS, PERCEPTIONS, IDEAS OR PAST MEMORIES come to surface. 

Meditation doesn't mean to shut your mind, for me it is more about opening your mind to self awareness. It won't stop your thoughts but it might help you control them. It just helps you face the fact that worrying about past which cannot be changed and the unseen future is futile. 

There is always a beginner's anxiety, of the right way. But honestly, there is no right way to meditate. Whenever you are relaxed and your mind is quiet but observant you are close to meditating. Any position you are in, sitting or laying in bed nothing really matters. It is active awareness about oneself. It gives you patience but this practice itself needs a lot of patience. 

So here's what I do and hope it helps. 

- before starting my day, I meditate, here is what works for me. I started with 10 mins a day and now I can meditate for a much longer time (just don't want to put that feeling into a number).

- watching your breathe and let the thoughts pass, never allow yourself to stick to one thought and start lucid dreaming around it because I do this so many time. 

- visualization is more than okay. Follow the thought / image / light what comes up, do not stick to it just see what comes up. Consistency is the key.

- use of music always helps.  

- meditating on a particular part/ question gives you life changing experiences. 

Allow yourself to try this process for a few days, you never know what it has in store for you. This process will help you learn a great deal about yourself, solve your unasked queries, giving you insights about WHY YOU, Meditation is just looking within. Do not expect too much but be ready for surprises and never forget, ROME WASN'T BUILT IN A DAY. 

Remember its okay to cry, laugh, smile or feel overwhelmed, there are no rules here. Just Feel it!



Whenever we talk about hypnosis, these images pop up, the logic behind this image is that hypnosis actually makes us travel inside our mind which is full of information we never really bother to access. 

The base of PLRT is hypnosis, for me in simple words its just like GUIDED MEDITATION, Your therapist is your guide here, he is just to help you navigate and understand your experience, your therapist isn't a magician who is going to hypnotize you and make things do to and through you. So talking about hypnosis, which is a state of focused concentration, most of us experience it everyday. Hypnosis creates a bridge between subconscious and conscious mind, where our memory functions are enhanced. It is not what our Bollywood brain tell us. It is neither time travel nor mysterious, it is just relaxation of your mind and body.

Why do we have to cross the bridge and reach our subconscious ? because it has data beyond what we know, it does not have boundaries of logic, space and time. It remembers everything. It does not put you to sleep when you are in a hypnotic state, you are always in control of your body and tongue, Your body is allowed to adjust itself and your mind is always able to censor and comment, It isn't a truth serum where you will lay all the secrets open while being hypnotized. Your mind knows which topic to pick, what part needs to be healed first and the best part is, we remember everything after coming back to conscious day to day activity. 

My experience with PLRT resolved problems of nightmares, recurring dreams, headaches, fear of losing a dear one and insomnia. and there is a long way to go.

PLRT brings the connection on the surface, bringing a traumatic event or an emotional pain to catharsis actually lowers the pain. Not all bear the weight of past lives, many have problems from their current life. All we are trying to do with hypnosis (PLRT) is to improve our present, sometimes we have answers in our past life and most have in their current life. Touching those topics give profound life changing results.

You do not need a serious problem to get a regression done, although it heals us emotional and physical problems, one can benefit in unexpected ways without major problems, it just unleashes our sources of hidden strength which we are not aware of.  To some it gives serenity and to a few it gives direction. 


Your stories, mails and inquires give me affirmation that we all have issues in family, relationship or work. We are not alone in this, the degree of difficulty definitely differs, some of us chose difficult relationship and some chose difficult working circumstances. Even soulmates are not on the same page. They help each other to ascend but they have their own set of challenges to face individually as well. 

We are here in flesh to experience happiness, pain, love, joy and many other emotions. Meditation helps you to look within, and happiness comes from within, it does not depend on other people and things. People hurt us because we gave them power, how does our happiness depends on someone else's actions. 

With the PLRT sessions I have conducted is that our soul accumulates fears, joy, anger, happiness etc. We take our deeds, our thoughts and knowledge with us, how we were treated and how we treat others is what goes with us. With meditation or guided meditation (PLRT), We gradually overcome these fears, anxieties and grief. Above all, we have so much in common, we are beyond life and death. We keep coming back to finish the remaining lessons, its not a punishment to come back in physical form its ascension of our soul.

So where we are, we doing are best. We do not have to compare our struggles and stories with anyone, their situations and lessons are on a different level, what seems on the surface isn't always the final report card. An if you are reading this, it isn't random, our actions are linked with the destiny. As a very dear friend once reminded me when I used the word RANDOM, he said - 

GOD DOESN'T PLAY DICE - Albert Einstein 

( nothing is random or meaningless, there is a logic behind everything , we just have to wait until it unfolds)

Until next time, meditate, love yourself, self love is not selfishness. For PLRT inquiries and queries feel free to write us on 


  1. Very well written., and actually stops a person and reflect on one’s inner self

  2. Its all about finding one self ,self assessment and improving oneself


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